Here it is, the end of May, and I'm finally getting annuals planted. I've been reading the blogs of other gardeners and am really feeling behind. Last year I was early getting the gardens ready as I had the two showers, one baby one bridal, in the back yard in June. This year however, whenever I had a day to spare from orders and working on the new website, it was rainy or we had family celebrations. My rows of hydrangeas really take care of themselves and I take my cue from them as to the colors I will be adding in pots and in various locations around the garden. So many of the perennials have spread and are needing to be separated and then I must find new homes for them...whether that be here in my yard or given to family and friends.
So the backyard has been taken care of for now and I need to get the front of the house planted before it gets too hot today. I am sitting on the porch on the side of the house, which we opened up yesterday, with my second cuppa coffee and the laptop writing this post and am truly content being here among the blues, pinks and lavenders, watching the birds at the feeder. The black and white cat who travels through the yard every morning and evening stopped by to also watch the birds at the feeder. You can hear that the cat is near before you can see him as the birds send out their very loud warnings to each other.
Glad Lucy wanted to go inside to be with her Dad before the cat made his rounds. I would have been quite a sight in my Mickey Mouse pajamas running after her through the neighbors yards as she ran after the cat.
Wishing all a Beautiful Day.
So the backyard has been taken care of for now and I need to get the front of the house planted before it gets too hot today. I am sitting on the porch on the side of the house, which we opened up yesterday, with my second cuppa coffee and the laptop writing this post and am truly content being here among the blues, pinks and lavenders, watching the birds at the feeder. The black and white cat who travels through the yard every morning and evening stopped by to also watch the birds at the feeder. You can hear that the cat is near before you can see him as the birds send out their very loud warnings to each other.
Glad Lucy wanted to go inside to be with her Dad before the cat made his rounds. I would have been quite a sight in my Mickey Mouse pajamas running after her through the neighbors yards as she ran after the cat.
Wishing all a Beautiful Day.