Thursday, December 30, 2010
Getting back to the routine?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
And The Dog Says...
Monday, December 27, 2010
A little peek at Christmas...

Dylan actually preferred playing with the gift bag instead of the toys he received on
Christmas Eve at my Aunt's house.

I am hoping that Lou's brother was able to snap a photo of all these cousins, where they are all looking at the camera. However, this photo is truly typical of the conversations and the laughs of this wonderful group. Aunt Dot, Lou's Dad's sister, is in the chair, right in the middle of this
noisy bunch.
We are blessed with a large, loud, wonderful family and spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day going from home to home, celebrating this season of love with the ones we love most.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wishing All A Wonderful Christmas

Christmas and this was the right choice for me.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Train Garden Adventure

Yesterday Dylan got to go to see the wonderful train garden at one of the local malls with 3 0f his favorite relatives. His Gramps, his Great Grandmother and his Mom Mom. I don't know which of us had the better time...but all of us grandparents just adore this little boy.

Darlin' Dylan just loved the trains and all that went with them. I just love being a Grandmother!
Can you see the bright green in the top of the tree in the picture below? When I ran to the shop this morning in 18 degree weather, with snow just starting to fall, I see this fellow hanging in the trees, two yards up from ours. Seems the neighbors decided to have all their big old oak trees cut down after having one snapped off during the tornado. The tree men took down 5 or 6 trees. Seems like over kill to me...how many times will we actually have a tornado in Baltimore County? All the men in trees were in bright green jackets and they looked like monkeys swinging on ropes through the branches. Not an occupation I would ever choose.

I have closed my ebay, etsy and artfire shops until after Christmas and feel that tons have been lifted off of me. All orders are finished and I have 8 or 9 of those orders to package and ship tomorrow. If you hear a big woosh tomorrow morning...that will be my sigh of relief when I set out the final packages for the postman to pick up.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Santa Baby...
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Columbia Inn Pine Tree Vermont

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Beach for Thanksgiving

A decision to go to Ocean City, Maryland for Thanksgiving was a wonderful one. We haven't done that for 17 years. Thanksgiving dinner had always been at my parent’s house, the house where I grew up, until my Mom and Dad decided to move to Ocean Pines, just outside of OC, MD. After we lost my Dad, my Mother moved back to Baltimore and dinner for this holiday was then held here at our house. Several months ago, when my aunt and her family said they were going to the beach for Thanksgiving (they too had always gone to my parents) and wanted us to go, we jumped at the chance. There were 24 of us for dinner on Thursday. On Friday we went to the annual tree lighting in Rehoboth, DE, which was something we had always done when my parents lived at the beach. A visit to the Vendors Fair took place on Saturday (and no we weren't set up as vendors for that...thank goodness). All the cousins had a great time together and Dylan just loved chasing seagulls.
Having all of us together was truly something to be thankful for.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Just wanted to say...
May your stuffing be tasty, May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving Dinner stay off your thighs!
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Christmas Show Done - On to Monday

with the family so we opted to do just the one.
Looking forward to spending the whole weekend with my girls and their husbands, my Mom and her sisters and their families and my Darlin' Dylan.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
On With The Show
we still got lots finished to display.
I worked on some new Christmas signs for the show. Just love Miracle on 34th street and I can hear Susan (Natalie Wood) saying this. I'm thinking this may just have to sit by
the large fabric Santa I've had for years.

One final note...Today is Mickey Mouse's Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mickey!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Good Golly...
Found out that the Husband and I aren't too smart. When we were awakened by the "freight train" noise last night...we went to the window to take a look. It was extremely loud...lasted for maybe 40 seconds with heavy rain. We have some trees with the tops ripped off and a small pine tree was knocked over. The table on our porch is broken, not the glass top but metal legs, which is surprising, and chairs were all tipped over. There was a large branch on my car but there isn't any damage. On the news they are saying possible tornado. 3 miles away roofs ripped off and houses collapsed. We were lucky. My heart goes out to those who lost their homes.
We've had 45+ inches of snow this year...the hottest summer on record...an earthquake...and now a possible tornado. Maryland is called America in Miniature because we have the ocean to the mountains. Now we can be called that because of natural disasters
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Early Advent Dinner and a Dylan Day

Our table had 6 women, and I'm the new "friend" as Shar and her sister have know the other 3 women for many more years than they have known me. When we were seated at the table, there was a list of suggested topics we might want to talk about. Like...what is the one thing this year that made you truly thankful, what are some of your family's holiday traditions and we all spoke of Christmases when we were children and how the Christmas tree just appeared in the morning, like magic. I really don't know how my parents were able to put up the tree and assemble toys for 3 young children after we finally went to sleep on Christmas Eve.
There were two other tables with with women,
some older than the group at our table and some younger.
It was nice to take one evening to relax and talk with "girls", who like me, have grown children and grandchildren and ponder how things have changed over the years. It was rather like a bridal or baby shower without the bride or mother to be. It also is a reminder to us to take time to remember the true reason for the holiday.

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Count Down...49 Days 'Til Christmas

The Country Workshop Website , and am also participating in several holiday shows.
Last year I had a cut off date for orders on the internet shops for delivery in time for Christmas, but ended up having to put the shops "on vacation" because I had guests to my online stores begging to please just make one more item for them and I really do have a hard time saying no.
This really is a good thing...I have wonderful customers who really like what I am creating and want to purchase my items for gifts. However, this year I want time to put up a Christmas tree. ( I still can't believe we never got a tree up last year) so I'm going to have to choose a date for orders to be placed in time for Christmas and stick to it. The next few weeks are going to keep me scrambling!
So now the stress begins...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Perry Hall Christmas Craft Show 2010
starts on November 5th and runs through November 28th.
A Collection of Crafts and Vintage
Directions to the Perry Hall Community Hall
From I-95, Take Rt43 west to 1st light, HoneyGo Blvd, make right
Continue to Joppa Rd, make right
Go through traffic circle and make immediate left onto
Gerst Rd Community Hall is on the right.
For info call 410-382-5142

Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Regal Roosts

Christmas is Coming...

The Country Workshop
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Survey for Julie
Hi Everyone,
My friend Julie is trying to collect data for her MBA thesis. Could you please help her out by filling out this survey on your opinions on at-home-diagnostic tests? It will only take 5 minutes of your day! She needs as many people from as many age ranges as possible. So please forward this on if you can!
Friday, October 22, 2010
A Day at Weber's Cider Mill Farm
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Little Pumpkins in a Pumpkin Patch

Knit 2gether in Love
This shop has some wonderful knitted items for kids, dogs and adults.
Also, I just have to look in a shop that has a cutie cocker spaniel as its avatar.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
An Original By Peggy

As we continued our conversation, we discovered we live live within a mile or so from each other and that her husband, who was a teacher at Loch Raven High School, had taught my two daughters. Small world, don't you think?
You may want to take a peek at her wonderful things!
I had to borrow one of Peggy's photos from her etsy shop as our shop computer has died. I had photos I had taken of artists wares at the show, was able to tweak them in photoshop yesterday and then the computer locked up. Turned it off and it must have decided it gave all it had to give...it will not turn back on! Lou is waiting for me to finish this post on the laptop so he can order a new computer (or parts to build a new computer).
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I Love I Love My Little Calendar Girl...

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Colorfest Saturday...

After closing down for the night we met friends
Debbie and Jimmy Strubel (Alpine Embroidery and Engraving)
for the buffet at The Cozy Restaurant.
It's now time to climb into bed. 5am will be here sooner than I would like.
Good Night All
Friday, October 8, 2010
Twas the night before Colorfest...
Sitting here tonight, I have been playing "Remember When" the daughters went to all the shows with us. By the time they were 12 and 14, they could have set up and run the booth all by themselves. One year, in Dresden, Ohio, both girls laid sleeping bags under the tables and took a nap after the early morning set up. The tablecloths went to the ground and the guests who came into the booth didn't even know they were there. I have fond memories of those times together and hope they do too. I know all the traveling and togetherness didn't scar them too much...they grew up to be fabulous women!
And no Lou...you can't take a nap under the table tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Hoping For Crowds Like This

Look for us at the Carnival Grounds.
The Country Workshop
Dee from Icehousecrafts will be setting up again for this show,
and Dee the weather so far looks perfect.
We will miss Diane and Terry of Basket Accessories
who for years set up next to us in David and Dawn's front yard
but won't be doing the festival this year.
So we will be wishing for wonderful weather and large crowds and if you are in the area,
stop by and say hello!