
Friday, January 27, 2012

Black and White and Technicolor

It's a gray, dreary day here in our little part of the world. It's bad enough that the ground is bare and the trees are leafless, but with a drizzle of rain and a bit of thunder rumbling, it's downright depressing. It reminds me of the book, The Secret Garden. Last week I watched the 1949 film based on the book. The MGM movie was filmed primarily in black-and-white.

But when the door opens to the restored garden the scenes were filmed filmed in Technicolor.

Looking forward to the return of Technicolor .

The Country Workshop


  1. I'm waiting for the technicolor too, winter is so boring.

  2. It's pretty blah here, too. Keeping violas in pots on my front porch helps. :) A little bit of color in the middle of winter.

    What beautiful scenes you have in this post!

  3. I heard someone call it Blaa-uary! how appropriate, and BTW I LOVE the secret garden, especially the musical!

  4. I love that sign. So appropriate. Something to think about.

  5. Pat, this is absolutely gorgeous. Love the garden, looking forward to blossoms galore. I think the season has forgotten it is supposed to be snowing.
    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  6. One of my favorite books and movies.Today the scene out my window is beautiful...all snowy and sunny with shadows of trees on the new fallen snow. Our winter has been great...little snow and not quite as cold as in the past years. They say the flu is down, because people are getting out more. I am looking forward to spring...I just bought my seeds.

  7. Love the door. I am partial to old doors.
