
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jury Duty

On Tuesday, I spent my day in this building. Yes, I had jury duty. My original date was to be in late November...a terrible time of year for someone who makes and sells handcrafted items for a living. I was able to reschedule for after Christmas thank goodness. Tuesday was the first time I was called that I made it farther than the jury pool room. Juror numbers were called, we were lined up and taken to the courtroom. We were told this was a criminal case and when 90 perspective jurors were needed, I knew this was probably a case I'd heard about on the news at some point. The judge explained the case, said it would be a 4-5 day trial. It was over a 3 hour process of the judge asking questions of the jurors. Jurors were then selected by the attorneys by the defense and the prosecution. I feel that I am fortunate that my number was high and I did not end up as a member of that jury. It was a violent crime against a child and as a mother of daughters, I really don't know that I could have been "fair and impartial" as much as I would have wanted to be. I'm sure there are people who can put their emotions aside, but I wear mine on my sleeve. But I did get to see the court room process up to the point when the jurors were seated. For me, it was a learning experience.


  1. I got called for jury duty once. I was a nervous wreck hoping I wouldn't get selected. It was a rape trail. Luckily I wasn't selected either.

  2. Back when my kids were little I got my notice twice.
    I was the only stay at home mom around here that I knew and was frantic that I had no one I could trust to leave our boys with should I have to go.
    Luckily for me I wasn't needed either time.
    I would make a terrible juror because I am very cut and dried. I make up my mind about people in an instant, not a good quality for a juror. Mind you I have yet to be proved wrong.

  3. The last time I was called to jury duty and was asked if I had an opinion about the case, I said "Yes, Sir!" then I was asked if I would be able to change my mind, I said "No, Sir!" ... and I was excused. It was a particularly grisly murder trial and yes, I would have said "guilty!".

    It is an honor to do jury duty, I served 3 times, the next time they summoned me, I had the doctor make a slip to excuse me.

  4. Since moving to Oregon I've been called every two years. I have to admit I really dread getting those summons but I try not to complain because I believe it's necessary in a de mocracy. I turn 70 this year. That may end my misery.

  5. So far my notices have all been cancelled before having to actually go in.
    Happy New Year!
    xo Cathy

  6. always a scary scene! I really can't think of any court case that would be 'easy' to sit through. LUCY you!!! to skate by!
