I do believe that spring has sprung in Carney, Maryland today. Clear blue sky, yellow daffodils popping open, and the air smelled, well like, spring.

A great day for washing curtains and windows. Before Dylan (we are loving having him here with us) woke up this morning, I took down the curtains in our bedroom and the kitchen and tossed them in the washer. Dylan woke up and I gave him breakfast and fed the dogs. (yes we have Dre here too while Holly and Chad are out of town for a friend's wedding) After the curtains finished washing, I took them out and hung them on the clothes line we have in the backyard. What a comedy...the two dogs chasing each other around the yard, Dylan running behind them. Then Dre decides to lift his leg and mark my laundry basket, with freshly laundered curtains still in it. I scream at Dre and Dylan starts to cry. I took those two panels he marked, threw them back in the washer.
I think that I may be the only one in my neighborhood who still "air dries" my laundry. Any of you out there who still hang out the wash?

After the curtains were hung out to dry, Dylan and I took a little ride to visit my Mom, Dylan's Great Grandmother. Those two are buddies!

Got the windows washed and curtains back up while the boy took his nap...