I just realized that it has been almost a week since I put up a post. Really busy, but not just with one thing. I've just been bouncing from thing to thing.
I've had quite a few online orders for this time of year. That's a good thing. After the "hot, hot, hot show" in June I am hesitant to set up anymore summer shows. I have been working on
The Country Workshop Website and am so glad that people searching on google and yahoo are actually finding it. I think I may need to pay someone to go in and take a look to see that I have used the correct words in the titles and keywords for the search engines to look at the site and listings.
We've had some really hot dry weather here in Maryland. Thank goodness we had several days last week of soaking rains. I had been watering the gardens but letting the lawn go dormant. Our grass was brown and it is now a wonderful green again.
I think every local farmer must have been praying for rain and their prayers were answered.
Friday morning at 5:04am there was a 3.6 magnitude earthquake in Germantown, MD. Now I know to some of you that's just a ripple, but it almost never happens around here. Lou and I must have sleep through it, but Lucy didn't. I woke up to her standing on my chest, looking into my face. At the time, I thought she just needed to go outside and hit Lou in the arm and told him it was his turn to take her out. We found out a bit later, on the local news, what had happened.
It's probably a good thing we slept right through it...Thursday night we had watched the movie 2012 about the end of the world. It probably wouldn't have looked good for me to be running through the neighborhood, in my Mickey Mouse pj's yelling, "The sky is falling...The sky is falling!"
We did have a nice dinner with our neighbors on Sunday. One couple has their house up for sale and already have bought a new house, so this was probably our last get together as a "neighbors".
This coming weekend is "Darling Dylan's" First Birthday Party. There is also a 30th birthday party for Dylan's Daddy immediately following DD's party. Chad's party was put on hold after Holly was in the accident. It appears it will be another scorcher of a weekend. I don't think Dylan's little pool is going to be big enough for all the birthday celebrators.