
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

things don't always go as planned...

I thought first day of a new year...
great time to start blogging again. 
Life around here got so crazy that something
had to go and it was posting on this blog. 
So only a couple of days late...here I am.  I started with a terrible cold on New Year's Eve and am still coughing, sneezing and nursing a sore throat.

I spent today in my jammies, in front of the fire,
watching old movies and drinking hot tea.

Lou, seems to be one day behind me
with the same thing...
He slept in a bit this morning but needed to
wrap some sign orders today
and took them to the Post Office.

So where did we pick up this stinkin' bug?
Pick a child, any child.

So many runny noses and coughs and sneezes
on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
It could have come from any one of
these adorable Littles.

We are suppose to get snow tonight and it has
been bitterly cold here in Maryland this past week.
The extremely cold temps will be
continuing through the weekend.

Are you ready for spring yet?


  1. I could have written this post.
    Welcome back and get well soon!

  2. yep, me too. We spent Christmas day with my husband's family, two cousins, their 5 kids and 6 grandchildren under the age of six. God bless the children, and their germs. It took us all January to finally get over our Christmas bronchitis. I can hardly wait to see what they have for us next year.

  3. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.

