Seems lately I need more hours in a day...some things just aren't getting done around here and my blog appears to be one of those things. Also, Lou and I have been talking for weeks about taking a few days off and heading for the beach. We always have a place to stay.
My family has a trailer just outside of OC, MD.
But I am always the one who says, "Maybe now is not the time."
Tuesday morning, early, I was putting up some new listings on the website.
I had the tv on, listening to the local news when the tv screen went blank
and I realized I was no longer connected to the internet.
Checked the land line and didn't have a dial tone.
Seems a moving van took out the the fios wire...
pulled it right out of the box on the pole. When Lou contacted verizon,
we were told someone couldn't be here until Friday to look at the problem.
I thought, now would be the perfect time to run away for a few days
...mentioned it to Lou and in one hour,
he had the truck packed, had Lucy and me buckled in,
and we were heading "Down the Ocean, Hon!"
(that's a Baltimore thing)

As it turned out, it was the the perfect time to make the trip to OC.
After September 30th, dogs are allowed on the beach and boardwalk,
so Lucy girl could go everywhere we went. The weather was perfect.
We were up early to see the blood moon eclipse. An amazing sight for sure.
The photo would have been clearer if we had taken the tripod,
but this isn't bad for elbows on the hood of the truck.
We then headed to the beach to see the sunrise...
Lucy's ears were flapping in the breeze.
That evening, the 3 of us sat on a bench on the boardwalk
and watched the moon come up over the ocean.
And on Thursday, before, heading home, we discovered
that vintage cars and trucks were gathering at the inlet parking lot
for Cruisin' Weekend.
Several days away did wonders for us. So sorry that we couldn't have spent
a bit more time at the beach but when you run a Mom and Pop business...
Mom and Pop have to be there to keep it going.
and when we got home we had been re-connected to the world of technology.