
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Little Spring...

I have crocus popping open all over the yard this morning. Many of the bulbs were planted the first fall we were in the house 37 years ago. But some were here before us. Every spring as these little beauties start to bloom I think about the person before me who dug a little hole and planted a bulb hoping mother nature would work her miracle and produce shades of purples and yellows in the spring. 

 I hope, after I no longer live here, the next person will look at the these little spring flowers blooming all through the lawn and wonder about the me.


  1. I do love crocus. Have you ever wondered what the person before you was thinking when you look at the places they planted those bulbs? I always wonder what the yard looked like at that time. In Texas I would be surprised every year when a spider lily shot up and bloomed at some odd place in the yard. By the next year I would have forgotten about it & be surprised all over again. It was nice.

  2. Pretty! Hard to believe, isn't it? It must be much warmer there than it is here!


  3. Oh, Pat those are so beautiful! Hugs
