
Friday, May 25, 2012

Mom Mom x Two

Today was the first time I watched both Mariah and Dylan.  My daughter had to return to work last week and although I had my day each week with Darling D while she was off, I never had both children together.  I was a bit apprehensive about this...it's been many years since I've been responsible for an infant and an almost 3 year old.  But Lou drove out with me to pick up the kidlets...that also means 2 carseats, enough clothes for a week, just in case, and a cooler full of bottles for the baby girl.

My sweet grand girlie is growing so fast.  Didn't get any photos of her smiling.  Every time I pulled out the camera she became fixated on that, but she really thinks her Mom Mom is funny.  She only cries when she is hungry.  A real sweetie.

It was warm and sticky and the D boy got to play in the water.  He had a great time.
I found this ring on Amazon for $ 11.00.  It's about 4 feet around, you hook the hose to it and have a ring of water shooting up.  Best money ever spent.
I tried to put up a video I took of him dancing in the ring but couldn't get it to load.

OK folks, I must tell you that I started this post last night after we took the children home.  I loaded the photos, started writing the post and nodded off about 20 words into it.
Yes, I must admit, I'm old!


  1. Adorable kiddies! Looks like a great ring of water to play in.

    The girlie has a pretty face, smile not necessary. :-)

    Great sign!

  2. Wow are they ever cute.
    I don't have any grandkids yet but I think I am already too old to hold up to the work involved.
    We had better all nap at the same time.
    One of the best things to entertain young kids is to give them a bucket of water (small one for safety) and a paint brush and let them paint everything in sight. The water dries quickly and they go back and do it all again.

  3. I loved this!!! and can't wait till I live closer to my little grand

  4. They are both so cute. I'll bet he loves that ring of water. I would too.

  5. I didn't think they'd be able to have one better looking than Dylan but Mariah is awfully cute.

  6. Good Afternoon, Pat,
    I'm just catching up with my good blog buddies here. I love these pics of your grand babies...I'm sure you did just great and had a fabulous time.

    Enjoy what's left of our weekend. ~Natalie
